Webinar Review: Sprengnetter Meets IZ Research – New Insights Into the Housing Market

Datenpartner Sprengnetter

Sprengnetter Meets IZ Research – New Insights Into the Housing Market

On 22 January 2025, we successfully launched our webinar series with Sprengnetter as our new data partner. More than 260 participants received exclusive insights from Christian Sauerborn, Chief Analyst at Sprengnetter, as well as Nabil Belmezouar, Product Lead at Sprengnetter, and Marc Jole, Head of Sales IZ Research at Immobilien Zeitung, on the development of current purchase prices, the use of Sprengnetter data and its integration into IZ Research.

Webinar Sprengnetter meets IZ Research vom 22.01.2025

Purchase Price Insights: Recent Developments in the Residential Property Market

Interesting analyses of purchase price trends were presented in the webinar:
  • A slight upward trend was observed in November 2024.
  • However, December was dominated by sideways movement with regional falls.
  • There was still a gap of just under 8% between asking and purchase prices – an indication of the scope for buyers to negotiate and the opportunity for estate agents to score points with their valuation expertise.
  • Mortgage volumes rose by 31.5% compared to the previous year – a sign that the market has adapted to the interest rate environment.
Webinar Sprengnetter meets IZ Research, Entwicklung der Kaufpreise
Webinar Sprengnetter meets IZ Research, Kaufpreisentwicklung BIG 8
Webinar Sprengnetter meets IZ Research, Diferenz Angebots- und Kaufpreise

Regional Differences: Opportunities for Property Experts

In Southern Germany in particular, prices remained stable or even rose slightly. This development offers real estate agents the opportunity to respond to market conditions with well-founded valuations.

Christian Sauerborn, Chief Analyst at Sprengnetter, commented: “December confirmed that the market is in a phase of consolidation. Buyers are paying more attention to value for money, and sellers need to be prepared to adjust their offers to reflect actual market conditions. We see this as an opportunity for professional estate agents to tailor the pricing of each property to the local market and local conditions in order to bridge the gap between owners and buyers.”

For the analysis, Sprengnetter evaluated 1,243,476 asking prices and 315,944 purchase prices for the period 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2024. For more details on Sprengnetter’s purchase price analysis, click here.

Location Analysis: Flexible Tool for Market and Location Analyses

Finally, Marc Jole presented the new Location Analysis feature of IZ Research. He gave a live demonstration of how Sprengnetter data is practically integrated into IZ Research in order to efficiently create market and location analyses. Using a residential property in Berlin as an example, he demonstrated how users can configure their analyses individually:
  • Market data and submarkets: Participants were able to see how the exact postcode area and the city of Berlin were selected as a benchmark by the data providers Sprengnetter and empirica regio.
  • Clear visualisation: The results of the selection were automatically processed – in maps, diagrams and clear value tables.
  • Provider comparison: In the ‘Diagrams’ tab, the previously selected KPIs were graphically processed in real time and the data from the various market data providers was clearly compared.
Webinar-Rückblick "Sprengnetter meets IZ Research" vom 22.01.2025; praktische Einbindung der Sprengnetter-Daten in die Standortanalyse
Webinar Sprengnetter meets IZ Research; hier: Diagramm-Ansicht der Standortanalyse von IZ Research

Find out more about IZ Research’s Location Analysis here.

Conclusion: New Perspectives for Your Analyses

The combination of real purchase price data and flexible analysis tools such as the location analysis opens up new opportunities for property owners, investors and asset managers to make informed decisions.

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