The basis for the analysis of your market and investment strategy

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Beitragsbild mit Fernsehturm zur Anwendung Städte auf IZ Research

Structural and market data for all German cities and municipalities

The “Cities” application gives you quick and clear access to data on the socio-economic framework conditions of a city or municipality – and not only for the most important real estate markets (A-D cities), but for all 10,957 German cities and municipalities. The visual display of the structural data enables a simple and clear analysis of the respective location in the period from 2010 to today.

In addition, “Cities” provides you with an optimal data basis for the analysis and evaluation of your market or investment strategy by means of published market data on the office, retail, hotel, industry, logistics and residential asset classes.

Market data from the most important providers

Office property data also includes information on top and average rents, yields, space and vacancies data for all A, B and C cities. In addition to the purchasing power index, footfall or the space take-up rate, the most important KPIs for the retail trade are also available to you 

Here you will find all the important KPIs about the office leasing and investment market of a city at a glance and from the most important market participants: prime rents, vacancy rates, space turnover, completions, yields and transaction volumes.

With a focus on the 1A locations, you can call up data such as prime rent, purchase price factor, take-up, footfall and degree of chain stores. In addition, you will receive information on general and EZH purchasing power, retail centrality and sales figures for all cities and municipalities.

For the hotel asset class, you can call up 15 relevant hotel key figures such as the average daily room rate or the occupancy rate, as well as the range of establishments and rooms per city as well as income tourism.

For the Industry & Logistics asset class, information is available on prime rents, average rents, minimum rents, prime yields, land prices, take-up and transaction volumes for all major logistics clusters in Germany as well as at district level.

Rents, purchase prices, vacancies, housing supply and housing demand forecasts for all German municipalities with a size of 5,000 or more residents are available for you in the residential asset class.

Yield Map

In addition to the structural and market data, you will find a yield map for the office, industrial & logistics and residential asset classes in the “Cities” application as well as in all other applications.


The yield map on IZ Research uses spatial interpolation to model which property yields could potentially be achieved in a (sub-)market location for the property types office, residential and logistics.

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Städte Renditekarte
Städte Hochwasser
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Flood hazard map according to three frequency scenarios

The flood hazard map shows the extent of flood plains for the whole of Germany according to three frequency scenarios (high, medium and low scenario). You can find out more about this in the blog post.

Your advantage: Find out at a glance whether your property or property to be valued is at risk from flooding and you may need to take protective measures for this.

Standard Land Value Map

With the standard land value map, you can easily access standard land values for all federal states and city-states in Germany where the expert committees for land values have joined the federal government’s OpenData initiative. You can find out more about this in the blog post.

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Städte Bodenrichtwert
Städte Standortfaktoren
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Location Factor Map

With the new Location Factors theme map, you can evaluate the location of a property and better understand the attractiveness of its location. It enables a fast and efficient location analysis based on various location factors. In addition, you can use them to check your own real estate portfolio in terms of location quality and accessibility, to take into account the infrastructural equipment near places of residence or work for the planning of new projects or neighborhoods, or to close supply gaps. More information.

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