Version 4.1: Update of the Structural and Market Data in IZ Cities

IZ Research Structural and Market Data

“April showers bring May flowers!” We at IZ Research like to be quick off the mark so we have decided to give our clients those May flowers already in April by providing our latest update “Version 4.1” of the Structural and Market Data in IZ Cities from 23 April 2021. “Gaining an overview of a city’s key socio-economic factors often means that researchers and market analysts need to painstakingly compile data from a variety of sources. The better approach, however, is to use a single, well-structured and comprehensive data source that is automatically updated – and this is exactly what we have achieved with the new release of IZ Research,” says Ingeborg Maria Lang, Head of Digital Research.

Strukturdaten enthalten ab sofort auch Daten zum Steueraufkommen (Reiter „Wirtschaft & Steuern“) sowie Prognosen zur Bevölkerungsentwicklung (Reiter „Demografie & Haushalte“). 

Demographic, labour market-related, economic and geospatial data can still be found as usual in our structural data table. However, a new feature connects IZ Research to the official regional statistics (RegioStat), which means in future we will obtain the data directly from the primary source and import them immediately and completely updated into IZ Research.

Kaufkraftdaten finden Sie nun gebündelt unter dem neuen Reiter „Kaufkraft“

“Wherever we use data from the primary source RegioStat, we have reimported the data, always with reference to the year of the data collection and also retrospectively in chronological sequence, so that there are no data inconsistencies. Nexiga GmbH remains our reliable data partner, among other things for data on purchasing power, office employment and gross value added,” explains Lang.

Furthermore, you can now find the new IZ Research Online Glossary with all definitions and further explanations of the structural and market data. These are clearly sorted by subject and asset class from A to Z and include a reference to the original source.


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