[Updated, 21.03.2019] Notes on the structural data in IZ Properties and IZ Cities

Structural Data

August 7, 2018 by IZ Research Blog

Are you interested in a specific property within a market and need the appropriate framework data on the location? The Nexiga structure data table, which we have permanently integrated into the detail pages of IZ Comparables and IZ Locations, offers you comprehensive figures and surveys on all German cities and municipalities within the last eight years (2010 – 2018).

Here we would like to explain in detail how you can find the Nexiga structural data in IZ Comparables and IZ Locations, which key figures they represent, how they are compiled and which reference dates the data is based on.

Table of contents

  • Where can I find the structural data in IZ Comparables?
  • Explanations of the individual values
  • Sources and data status
  • Area structure
  • Census 2011


Where can I find the structural data?

To view the structural data in IZ Comparables, perform a search there and open the detail page of any property – illustrated here using Tower 185 in Frankfurt as an example:

Then select Structural data from the menu on the now opened property detail page:

The structural data for the property’s location is now displayed:

Proceed in the same way in IZ Locations. First search for a location or open one of the links in the overview of all German cities with a population of 50,000 or more. On the now opened location details page, you can also access the structural data table via the menu item Structural data in the top right-hand corner.


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