New API for structural and market data on IZ Cities

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We have also significantly expanded the data content of our technical interface (API). You can now also access all structural data as well as market data on the asset classes office, retail, hotel, industry & logistics and residential, which are displayed on the detailed pages of IZ Cities, via API. The data content and data volume offered reflect the current data scope of IZ Cities.

Via the technical interface to the IZ Research platform (“IZ Research REST API”), external systems (e.g., a website application or software) can make queries to IZ Research and receive corresponding query results back. What is new and special about this version of the API is that, unlike the rest of the API, the endpoint for retrieving structural and market data includes a generic structure that allows us to better provide the constantly updated scope of data. This means that more data content will be added and also data from new years of a time series and individual data fields are added automatically.

This gives our clients the opportunity to use the data from IZ Research directly from their own software application. “With our solution, we are taking a big step towards networking real estate-relevant systems and data and thus – as with all other products of the Immobilien Zeitung – making a significant contribution to greater market transparency and to the digital further development of the entire real estate industry,” says Ingeborg Maria Lang, Head of Digital Research at Immobilien Zeitung.

The documentation of the API follows the Open API 3 specification. To view the documentation and try out the API, we provide a Swagger-generated interface at


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