IZ Research – Version 2.0 comes to Expo Real 2018

IZ Research Cities

September 25, 2018 by IZ Research Blog

Right on time for this year’s Expo Real, we have expanded Immobilien Zeitung’s data platform – IZ Research – with brand new functions that now make a reliable analysis of the real estate market even easier. Use IZ Research to identify trends and developments in the real estate industry at an early stage and to gather sound background knowledge for your everyday business. Property, location and market research made easy – we show you how it works with selected new tools:

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NEW in Version 2.0: IZ Locations

Version 2.0 of IZ Research includes a completely new option for Germany-wide market and competition assessment: IZ Locations. Our new tool provides data and key figures on all German cities and municipalities. The structural data provide information on demographics, purchasing power and property use, among other things. In addition, IZ Locations includes current market news on German cities and municipalities. Find out quickly and easily about project planning and developments, current real estate deals or expansion plans of various market participants. Let us show you how to navigate through the new tool: https://youtu.be/yYi8OHlNCFs

Office markets at a glance – IZ market data

IZ Locations provides an instant overview of office market data from the major brokerage houses. Compare prime and average rents, yields, vacancies and vacancy rates as well as take-up in a clear, table format. Starting in October 2018, you will have access to office market data for Germany’s seven top cities, both condensed and broken down in detail by district and submarket. Click here to find the data: https://youtu.be/p4U11A_u91s

Finding properties for transactions is now even easier

The Transaction Database is our analysis tool for the German investment market. Our database contains 30,000+ real estate transactions from 2006-2018. Over 35% of the transactions are from the past 24 months and approximately 450 new transactions are added each month. With the latest update, we have listed all traded properties known to us for each transaction record. You can also find detailed information on individual properties and their location via the corresponding links: https://youtu.be/YPaNlyosx2g


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