Market Overview: The Real Estate Market and the Corona Crisis

Blog Title Market Overview

How is the German real estate market doing after more than 12 months of Corona? A year ago, we took a look at the IZ Research transaction figures to see how Corona was affecting the German rental and investment market. In the meantime, another year has passed amid the pandemic and we can now reveal […]

Version 4.1: Update of the Structural and Market Data in IZ Cities

IZ Research Structural and Market Data

“April showers bring May flowers!” We at IZ Research like to be quick off the mark so we have decided to give our clients those May flowers already in April by providing our latest update of the Structural and Market Data in IZ Cities from 23 April 2021.

“Gaining an overview of a city’s key socio-economic factors often means that researchers and market analysts need to painstakingly compile data from a variety of sources. The better approach, however, is to use a single, well-structured and comprehensive data source that is automatically updated – and this is exactly what we have achieved with the new release of IZ Research,” says Ingeborg Maria Lang, Head of Digital Research.

Version 3.4: New data API, Demo Version and improvements on the transaction details page

Release IZ Research 2020-05

From now on, it is possible to integrate our data directly, quickly and easily into your systems via our data API, to process it further and to analyse it for business purposes. In addition, interested visitors can now use our demo version to extensively test all of IZ Research’s product functionalities. In addition, a lot has happened in the background.

Version 3.2: IZ Research delivers…

Export Function on IZ Research

Export in Excel-Datei …einen umfangreichen Export der Objekte über die Ergebnisliste der IZ Comparables. Ihre Suchergebnisse sind nach Themen sortierbar und durch eine neue Seitenzählung einfacher zu bedienen. Zudem finden Sie in der Transaktionsdatenbank neuerdings ausgewählte Statistiken für eine schnelle Übersicht Ihrer Suchergebnisse. Sehen Sie auf einen Blick, wie viele Objekte und Projekte sich in […]

Version 3.1: IZ Research with Retail Market Data

IZ Properties and IZ Cities now feature retail market data for 153 cities, a completely revised transaction database and a host of other minor improvements. “We are constantly developing IZ Research further and, in addition to an easy-to-use database with reliable content, we are mainly working on the integration of new data, such as retail […]